Michael Paper

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Hi! My name is Michael Paper, and I am currently a Research Assistant in the Large-Scale Data and Systems (LSDS) group at Imperial College London.
You can find my resume here!
I will start a PhD at Stanford University in Fall 2024 :)

🎓 Education

I studied computer science at the University of Strasbourg (France) from 2017 to 2019 in a curriculum called Cursus de Master en Ingénierie : Informatique, Systèmes et Réseaux (CMI ISR for short). There, I validated the first two years of my Bachelor. After those two years, I applied to a French Grande École called École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) (ENS de Lyon for short). There, I received a Foundations of Computer Science Bachelor with high honors in 2020. Then I started a double-diploma with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) (EPFL for short) consisting of: (1) a full year at ENS de Lyon following the courses of the first year of the Foundations of Computer Science Master, (2) a full year at EPFL following the courses of the Computer Science Master, and (3) a full year of internships. I obtained a Master's degree from EPFL as well as a Master's degree from ENS de Lyon in September 2023.

TLDR: I obtained my Bachelor's degree in computer science at ENS de Lyon in 2020, then computer science Master's degrees from ENS de Lyon and EPFL in 2023.

🔎 Research experience

📜 Paper's papers

  1. Towards Functional Verification of eBPF Programs
    Dana Lu, Boxuan Tang, Michael Paper, Marios Kogias
    eBPF workshop @ ACM SIGCOMM '24. Sydney, Australia, August 2024.
  2. SGX Switchless Calls Made Configless
    Peterson Yuhala, Michael Paper, Timothée Zerbib, Pascal Felber, Valerio Schiavoni, Alain Tchana
    IEEE DSN '23. Porto, Portugal, June 2023.

🔧 Projects

🧐 Service

🍫 Other interests

I founded Van Hout'ENS, the hot chocolate club of ENS de Lyon, as well as Chocopoly, the hot chocolate club of EPFL. Here is an article about Chocopoly from March 12th 2024 (in French).

I have been the "singer" of a Strasbourg-based crossover band called Kernel Panik. Here is one of our songs.

I have participated in official competitions (namely, French Championship and World Championship, both in 2017).

🕸️Find me on the internet!